We don’t ‘do’ leadership training and development. We work alongside our clients, applying transformative ideas and innovative tools to solve problems and create value by designing award-winning programmes and experiences comprised of consultancy, coaching and digital elements.


At the core of our work is building new mindsets. We help leaders and teams create new mental maps that enable them to recognise and disrupt the patterns that are getting in the way of rising to new challenges and delivering the outcomes they want.

At the root of building a mindset is the process of developing radical self-awareness: the ability to understand the interplay of our feelings, thoughts and perceptions, and how these influence our judgements, choices and behaviours. 


Experimental fields of cognitive, affective, and perceptual neuroscience and psychology are providing ever more detailed pictures of how to strengthen and build the networks and neural structures associated with effective decision-making, increased wellbeing and creative problem solving. We work with many of the world’s leading scientists to translate these insights into practical teachings and strategies and apply them to the challenges facing our clients. 

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