Bhav Radia | Learning Innovation Advisor

I have worked, studied and researched in the EdTech field for the last decade. I'm incredibly excited about the potential of technology to enhance and transform learning in various contexts. I’ve worked with a wide range of different organisations over the last few years - from business schools in Cardiff and London, to florists in Florida, and cancer hospitals across India - and am excited to work closely with Outside to develop their digital offer (Day One) in this space.This enjoyable work has led to the development of hundreds of online modules and courses, which have been accessed by over hundreds of thousands of learners across the globe. 

I have two Master’s degrees from the University of Oxford and I’m currently completing a doctorate at the University of Cambridge. My research is exploring how we can develop clinical leaders in hospitals through online professional development. 

Alongside consultancy work, I founded the Learning Laboratory at Guy’s Cancer, which develops high-quality online education for the general public and healthcare professionals across the globe.

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